Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

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The village of Malovishte near Bitola

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The village of Malovishte near Bitola

About the site

Corridor: Via Egnatia
Country: FYR of Macedonia, Malovishte, Bitola
Type: Vernacular Architecture
Epoch: Middle Ages
Theme: Vernacular Architecture
World Heritage:
Middle AgesVernacular ArchitectureVernacular Architecture

The village of Malovishte was founded in the 16th century. It is in the western part of the Pelister National Park, 10 kilometers from Bitola. Here several small streams converge to form the Shemnica River. The village is beautifully located amidst spectacular scenery. Its neighbourhoods are separated clearly, their streets are narrow, and the houses vary greatly in form. Malovishte is one of the few traditional heritage villages that are still inhabited today.
Archaeological excavations have revealed the remains of Late Classical buildings located along the ancient road Via Egnatia that runs through this region.

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