Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

South East Europe / Sofia-Ohrid Road

Church of St. George in Staro Nagorichane

Info Sections
Church of St. George in Staro Nagorichane

About the site

Corridor: Sofia-Ohrid Road
Country: FYR of Macedonia, Staro Nagorichane, Kumanovo
Type: Christian religious centre
Epoch: Middle Ages
Theme: Christian Monasteries
World Heritage:
Middle AgesChristian MonasteriesChristian religious centre

The Church of St. George was constructed on the remains of an earlier church, founded probably by the Byzantine Emperor Romanus IV Diogenus (1068-1071). The archaeological excavations did not provide the precise date of the foundation or the type of the earlier building but confirmed the monumental dimensions of this structure, built of very large blocks of stone. We do not know when the church was demolished but it was re-built in 1313, by the Serbian king Milutin, after his victory over the Turks. The plan and the spatial structure of the Church of St. George result from the architectural innovations of the Late Byzantine architecture, when a new representative type of churches appeared at the beginning of the 14th century. The wall paintings in Paleologian style count among the most remarkable works of Michael and Eutychius from Thessalonica, the famous painters working at the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century.

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