Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

Heritage by Country / Slovenia

Salt-pans, Portoroz

Info Sections
Salt-pans, Portoroz

About the site

Corridor: Via Adriatica
Country: Slovenia, Portoroz, Secovlje
Type: Cultural Landscape, Industrial Site
Epoch: 20th Century, Middle Ages
World Heritage:
20th CenturyMiddle AgesCultural LandscapeIndustrial Site

Portoroz-Secovlje is a small settlement, known for its salt production, which through centuries contributed to economic development of the region. The original marsh wetlands, originating from the connection of delta land and the sea, were transformed into salt pans already in the middle ages. The salt works as an economic activity still exists nowadays on approximately 700 hectares of operational salt pans. On the area of the old, abandoned salt pans, there is Salt Pans Museum, in which we can admire the gradual development of the salt pans, as well as the way of life of the salt workers during the centuries up to the present date.

Slovenian Tourist Board