Heritage by Theme / Vernacular Architecture
The house of K. Trenchev, Veles
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About the site
Corridor: Sofia-Ohrid Road
Country: FYR of Macedonia, Veles
Type: Vernacular Architecture
Epoch: Modern Times
Theme: Vernacular Architecture
World Heritage:
Country: FYR of Macedonia, Veles
Type: Vernacular Architecture
Epoch: Modern Times
Theme: Vernacular Architecture
World Heritage:
The spatial organisation analysis of the 19th century houses in Macedonia indicates that Veles is a city with a large number of interesting architectural solutions. The house of Mr. Kocho Trenchev is a remarkable example of this phenomenon. The decorative elements of the interior, such as the musandra, a concave space in the wall, and the lavishly decorated wooden ceiling, contribute to the artistic significance of the house.
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