Heritage by Theme / Fortresses
Mezek Thracian tomb
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About the site
Country: Bulgaria, Svilengrad
Type: Ancient Site, Fortress
Epoch: Middle Ages, Antiquity
Theme: Antiquity, Fortresses
World Heritage:

In the region of Svilengrad, South Eastern Bulgaria were discovered numerous traces from Tharcian settlements, tumuli and sanctuaries, amongst which the most valuable and best preserved one is the monumental tomb close to the village of Mezek. It is situated in the vicinity of the remains of an impressive Medieval fortress built in the 11thc.
The tomb near the village of Mezek was the biggest domed tomb in Thrace, meant obviously for some master. It was built in the 4th c. BC, and was covered like all Thracian tombs with an enormous mound. There was an entrance, the starting point of a 30m long corridor (dromos) leading to the very tomb. The dromos passed through two successive small rectangular chambers, reaching the round tomb chamber with the sarcophagus of the dead. The tomb was built by huge, well-processed stone blocks, 2m long. The dromos was covered with a triangular vault, while the tomb chamber – with a dome. Unique golden jewellery, as well as numerous bronze and clay objects were found in the tomb.
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