Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

Heritage by Theme / Islamic Culture

Skopje - Islamic Architecture

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Skopje - Islamic Architecture

About the site

Corridor: Sofia-Ohrid Road
Country: FYR of Macedonia, Skopje
Type: Islamic religious centre
Epoch: Middle Ages
Theme: Islamic Culture
World Heritage:
Middle AgesIslamic CultureIslamic religious centre

Daut Pasha Bath
An impressive monument of Islamic architecture, located in the area of the “Old Bazaar”. It was erected in the second half of the 15th century. The multi domed building functioned as a two separate baths, one for women and one for men. In 1948 the Daut Pasha Bath was restored and adapted into a gallery showroom, and since that year it has been hosting the Art Gallery, one of the oldest art institutions in Macedonia. It is hosting the permanent national display of the Macedonian fine art masterpieces created between the 14th and the 20th century.

Sultan Murat Mosque
The mosque has a dominant place in the old town of Skopje. It was erected in 1436 as one of the first mosques built in Skopje. It is a legacy of Sultan Murat II. The mosque was reconstructed in 1539-42 and in 1711/12 after the fires that destroyed the building. On the south-east part of the yard the crypt of Ali Pasha of Dagestan was built, while the turbe of Bikly Han was constructed in the south of the mosque. A clock tower erected in the 16th century is also a part of the mosque complex.

Mustafa pasha mosque
A remarkable building erected in the Early Constantinople style in 1492.Its founder, Mustafa pasha, was buried in the turbe (tomb), built in the courtyard of the mosque, in 1519. The large cupola of the mosque is laying upon octagonal tambour. On the pendentives of the east side are found the earliest examples of wall painting in the Islamic building preserved in Macedonia. The minaret is 47meters high with marble decoration on the balcony.

Kurshumli Inn
The Inn (guesthouse) is located in the central area of the Old Bazaar. It is supposed that it was built in the middle of the 16th century by Myezin Hodza. The building is a monumental complex, square in plan, with a large courtyard in the centre, with a garden and a fountain. On the upper floor were the rooms for guests; while on the ground floor were the stables. The roof of Kurshumli Inn has numerous cupolas, covered by lead (that’s where the name of the Inn comes from – “kurshum” means lead in Turkish). The complex is turned today into a lapidary exhibition.There is a rich collection of monuments from various periods. During the summer the courtyard is used as an “open-air” hall hosting different cultural events every three years.

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