Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

Ancient stadium of Philippopolis, 2009 - 2011

Partners and team

Partners and team

The Project in created on the basis of a partnership, which will continue during the whole period of its implementation: the two main actors in the regional and municipal government (the Regional Administration – Plovdiv and the Municipality of Plovdiv; a civil association (Association for Cultural Tourism); an organization from the donor-state (the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage).

The Project Beneficiary – Regional Administration – Plovdiv
The institution of the Regional Governor organises the development and the implementation of regional plans, strategies and programs for regional development, it is responsible for the co-ordination with the authorities of the local self-government and carries out the state policy. The administrative capacity of the Regional Administration enables its participation in strategic national and international projects, reflecting the state policy 

Project Partner – Municipality of Plovdiv
The Municipality of Plovdiv has a considerable capacity and resource (material, financial and human) for the implementation of similar projects, with its units: Chief architect of the Municipality, the Directorate “Development planning”, the Directorate “Financial policy”, the Directorate “Legal and regulations services” and the Municipal Institute “Ancient Plovdiv”. In the last 5 years the Municipality implemented various educational, social, infrastructural, etc. projects at the total amount of about 1 700 000 EUR, financed by the European Union and other international sponsors, and at present are being implemented projects at the total amount of 1 650 000 EUR. The implemented investment projects of the Municipality in the last years are at the total amount of 72 580 000 EUR. They are financed by the State, the Municipality and with the assistance of the Swiss government. Among all the above, the Municipality has implemented more than one similar to the present project: Exhibit of the archaeological underpass and the Eirine residence; UNESCO Project for conservation of sites in the Ancient Plovdiv Reserve; Master Plan – Plan for Underground Museum of Philippopolis, etc.

Partner of the project - Association for cultural tourism (ACT)
ACT is a non-profitable juridical person, registered in Bulgaria in 2001. The main objective of ACT is to co-operate for the development of cultural tourism in Bulgaria and its integration in European and world tourist networks; the preservation, presentation, promotion and use of the cultural and natural heritage as a tourist resource. For that purpose, the Association works in partnership with international organisations, central and local authorities; researches and develops international, national and local strategies, programmes and projects in the field of the cultural tourism, the cultural and natural heritage; carries out educational and qualification activities, advertising and publishing activities, promotion and information services in the field of cultural tourism and the cultural heritage, etc.

Partner of the project - Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage
The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikvaren) is founded in 1912 and is a government Directorate under the Ministry of Environment. It is responsible for the practical implementation of the Norwegian Cultural Heritage Act and the objectives laid down by the Norwegian Parliament (Storinget) and the Ministry of Environment. The Directorate's task is to facilitate a sound and efficient management regime throughout the country and to ensure that all monuments and sites are given equal treatment as far as possible. It has implemented more than one project, corresponding to the mentioned specific tasks of a partner.

The management and the realization of the project is carried out by a Coordination Unit and a Team for the Implementation of the Project. The project provides for transparent management, with public access to the process of decision making. Within the framework of the Project will be developed a program for sustainable management and development of the project after the termination of the financing and a mechanism for public-private partnership.