Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

Heritage: ESPRIT, 2007-2008

Educational course

Educational course

An educational course New Technologies in the cultural heritage and cultural tourism is organized in the frames of the project Heritage: ESPRIT. It is directed towards students and young specialists in the field of preservation of the immovable architectural and artistic heritage. 

The course took part in the period June-July 2008 with the participation of 25 young architects, artists-restorers, students, post-graduate students and professors. The participants came from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), the National Academy of Art, the Institute of mathematics and informatics at BAS, Higher School of Civil Engineering L. Karavelov and Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS.

The educational programme had two parts:
1. Theoretical part – lectures that present the contemporary ways for the promotion of the cultural heritage, including Internet, as well as the new equipment of the Multimedia Laboratory of UACEG for documentation and presentation of the immovable cultural values.
2. Practical part – education for the application of the information technologies at the monuments of culture in the course of restoration.

The lectures are presented by well-known specialists in the specific fields – assoc. prof. arch. Boyan Georgiev, PhD, assoc. prof. Stefan Tupanov, arch. Ivan Delchev and Deliana Kostadinova.

The practical part took part at to sites in the course of restoration – the Rila Monastery and the church St. George in the village of Dolni Lozen. The participants, differentiated in two groups – architectural and artistic monuments – had documented the sites with the help of the new equipment.

The educational programme has ended with the processing of the data from the site using special software. It was developed in the Multimedia Laboratory for Cultural Heritage of UACEG under the guidance assoc. prof. arch. Boyan Georgiev, PhD.

In the frames of the round table with exhibition Cultural heritage: education – science – preservation – integrated in tourism everyone who took part in the course received a certificate for the participation at the educational programme.